A review by mreadsbooksnfics
Praefatio by Georgia McBride


I bought this book because I fell in love with the cover. I thought it was going to be amazing. I was even taken by the title. I was all on board when I bought this book because it comes from one of my favorite publishing companies, but I'm sad to say that my expectations were not met well for this book.

Honestly, I had no idea what was going on the whole time in this book. Sometimes I start reading books and ending being a little lost, but I was so lost the whole time. This book is very disjointed and all over the place. Grace is at the police station. She is an angel. She hears voices. Gavin is her soul mate apparently. There is so much going on and no real sense of direction for the novel. The idea of angels is awesome. I don't see it too often in books and it wasn't shoving religion down my throat. That made me very happy, but I was still so confused. Also there was mention of vampires at some point. I was so lost by this time that I was wondering why I was still reading the book.

I ended up being so lost the whole time I was reading this book. I skimmed the last hundred so pages, and I am not sure why I didn't give up sooner. I can appreciate a book which tells stories which go back and forth, but this one was much too chaotic for my liking. Overall, I loved the idea and the cover. However, I couldn't find myself able to understand what was happening or even caring enough to figure it out.