A review by cpittman0513
Supreme: Blue Rose by Warren Ellis


This review is from an advanced copy provided by NetGalley.

I'm not sure what the heck I just read, but I sort of liked it? This story is part mystery, part sci-fi, and a whole lot of hallucinatory weirdness. Oh yeah, and there's time travel. I'm not familiar with the original comic that this is based off of, but from what I've read, this was meant to be a different take on mainstream comic heroes (Diana Dane=Lois Lane, Darius Dax=Lex Luthor, Ethan Crane=Clark Kent).

There were times that I felt confident that I knew what was happening, and a few pages later it would be like I completely missed something. I often had to go back and re-read what I just read, just to make sure I hadn't fallen asleep on the job and missed a key piece to the story. So if you decide to read this, just know that you are not having memory lapses or unusual visions, this book is just confusing and a little trippy.

I did enjoy this book though, mostly because of the art. Tula Lotay's is an established artist and illustrator, but is just now getting into the comics industry. Her art is loose and highly stylized, and she uses every bit of space to tell a story and really draw you in.

If you like multi-layered stories, unconventional narratives, and unique artwork, check this book out. If you're not a patient reader, and you like your art very tight and traditional, you might want to skip this.