A review by emlyrea
At the Edge of the Universe by Shaun David Hutchinson



I read this book because my friend read it and it's now one of her favorite book ever. So I knew when I started it that the end was unexpected (as least, she didn't expected it). I'm usually the one who guess the end of the book before the last pages, but for this one, I was surprised because, like my friend, I did not expect this ending. Shaun David Hutchinson is really a genius, and his writing is incredible.

“Life's truest horror is a door that slams shut that can never be opened again”

I really liked the characters and their own personality, but I don't know why I didn't like Tommy. The first chapters with him were really cute and all that kind of stuff, but then, I was like “No Ozzie, you have to go with Calvin pleaaaaaase” ahaha

The whole thing with the universe was really really interesting, but at the beginning I was like “waaaaaaaaaaat” aha. I really liked this kind of metaphor with the stars and the universe!

“You can choose to be happy with what life gives you, or spend your life miserable. I choose happiness. It's really that simple”

I didn't understood well the ending at first, then I read the author's note and I understood that it was about depression and that Ozzie was depressed, so that was why the universe was falling apart. His universe was falling apart. And then when he finally accepts this fact, and when he is ready to move on, the universe stop striking and he is back to his “normal” life.
This was unexpected as I said before, and a really good way to picture depression.

This book was really mind blowing. And this is all I can do for a review because you have to read it to understand the feelings about it.