A review by ayanez427
With a Zero at its Heart by Charles Lambert


This review is based on a digital ARC received from Netgalley.

With a Zero at its Heart employed a unique narrative style to tell the story of a man's life. Through short, themed chapters--each composed of 10 numbered paragraphs with 120 words--the reader gets a glimpse into the life of the unnamed character. The use of this method shows the reader that it is often an accumulation of the little things, the seemingly insignificant traits and events, that not only turn a person into who they become, but define them to the surrounding world. At the same time, it is a reminder that we should not form opinions of a person based on the handful of events that we witness, as they are just a small part of who that person is.

While I appreciated the method employed by the author, and the message behind it, it did make it difficult to connect to the character because we only see bits and pieces of a life told out of order.