A review by thisismenow
Le Cœur en balance by Marie Sexton


In the past month I've fallen in love with Marie Sexton's work through her Coda Books series, so I was quite anxious to sink my teeth into Between Sinners and Saints.

I was drawn in immediately from the first page. I found myself getting invested in these characters quickly. Both Levi and Jaime have a lot of baggage they carry around, but it was so exciting to see these two lonely souls find and fall in love with each other.

The story touches on a couple of very serious issues, but I thought they were both handled so well. Jaime's past is so heartbreaking, and Levi's struggle with his disapproving family was so frustrating, but with each other's help, they try to move forward with their lives.

I appreciated that the story wasn't wrapped up too neatly. It's a happy ending, to be sure, but not all is completely resolved, and both Jaime and Levi will likely still suffer some setbacks, but I felt so happy for these characters when I reached the end of the book.