A review by desolation73
The Wisdom of Crowds by Joe Abercrombie


I had a weird relationship with Joe because I just thought the first trilogy was sort of ok, then I went to another author whos books by comparison were quite dry and realised I quite missed him. I mean in Glokta and Logan Ninefingers he created two of my favourite characters ever, I just didnt realise it first time round.

Now it could be that Ive just got used to his writing but it seems with The Age Of madness he actually shows a heck of a lot more maturity as a writer and once again creates a set of characters that you both hate and can also sympathise with as well, and that's an age of madness in itself.

The Next book Devils which is out next year may challenge fans because its going to see Joe leave the First Law behind and try to create a new world and I do think that for now this is the best time to leave it.