A review by jovvijo
Claymore, Vol. 16: The Lamentation of the Earth by Norihiro Yagi


Well you just go ahead and end on such an AMAZING cliffhanger, you do that!
So good!!!

Our "ghosts" are finding all sorts of interesting information, and people, to be, well, if not exactly on their side then at least closer to the line than most.
Curiouser and curiouser!

GAK! Those Abyss feeders?! *shivers* With hardly a stitch of clothing on but plenty stitched up about the face and eyes, they are creepy and strong and the sort of thing you just don't invite to your birthday party.
I swear what those guys at the organization get up to would have Doctor Frankenstein jumping up and down in girlish glee...

And we still have Riful and her attempt at making something monstrously monstrous!
You do not live on that continent for the quiet life...

Let's read more!

p.s. Helen and Deneve are my favorite duo, they have such chemistry! Don't you guys dare die!