A review by valhecka
Den betænksomme morder by Agnete Friis, Lene Kaaberbøl


N.B.: I received an ARC of this novel through a Goodreads First Reads giveaway; the version I have is pre-copyediting.

As typical for the series, the plot is thrilling - it rests on relationships, what people will and will not do for each other and why. The action always acknowledges how the characters are actually feeling, pointing out unexpected pain and non-photogenic consequences and discordant mental/emotional tones. Throughout the series, Nina has gotten WRECKED, and her physical recovery and the compounding of previous damage is as much of a plot point as her survivor's guilt.

I thought the conclusion was rushed; it isn't clear how Nina fully reconciles herself, which is unsatisfying after four books of this woman going through hell. Regardless, as a thriller, crime novel, and series ender, the book is solid.