A review by cat_finds_the_time
Dark One, Vol. 1 by Brandon Sanderson


Oh yeah, this book had Brandon Sanderson written all over it! This story seemed like a signature Sanderson book and it did not disappoint! While he has other, better books, I was enthralled by the story and this world that Sanderson has created. I’ve never really sat and read a graphic novel written by this author (he has a few others that I do plan on reading) and I was very impressed!

The story was VERY fluid and fast-paced. At first, I was worried that it wasn’t going to give enough details because of how quickly it was moving, but the way it was written helped me understand everything that was going on while still keeping the whole thing rolling smoothly. I had read a few other reviews about this book saying that it was slow-moving and everything so I went into it with lower expectations. I’m very disappointed in myself for having so little faith in one of my favorite authors! The build-up in this story is the same as he has in other books. Even objectively, without comparing to other books by Sanderson, I think that this book was very exciting. It had a lot of fighting scenes that kept my attention and there were many mysteries that I kept trying to figure out while I was reading.

On top of all this, I’m trying to figure out if this book is part of his ever-growing Cosmere. I’m inclined to believe that it is because there was a very offhanded reference to the book Warbreaker. While those who haven’t read the book would just look at the comment and move on, I had an entire MOMENT when I read the comment. I had the put the e-reader down and just take a deep breath and think about what that ONE comment could imply about this story’s place in the fictional universe! All the possibilities it could bring to other stories in the universe! I may be overthinking it but if these author’s books have taught me anything, it’s to overanalyze every little thing and never trust that somethings only as it seems.