A review by readwkatie
The Dream Job by Kiersten Modglin


Autumn is a recent college graduate, still working as a waitress, trying to make ends meet while caring for her mother who has been diagnosed with cancer and find a decent job. When a potential job offer comes her way, with a salary that makes her all but salivate she is eager to jump at the opportunity. Autumn is put through a series of rigorous tests and challenges along with the other candidates when she finds herself questioning the integrity of the company. Something fishy is afoot but she can't quite put her finger on it. Will Autumn push those worries aside and accept the position or will her moral compass get the best of her?

I'm basically just a Kiersten Modglin fan girl account now - but she leaves me no choice! This book had both Clue and 7.5 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle vibes for me. There were so many layers of suspicion that it was hard to figure out which way was up. I found myself rooting for Autumn who continually questioned things instead of just laying low and keeping quiet. The ending was a heart wrenching, unexpected turn and it tied up the entire read in a really beautiful way. Definitely go grab yourself this book!