A review by kabrahams
The Heiress Hunt by Joanna Shupe


Mixed feelings about this one. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, especially the first 50%. The hero, however, drove me crazy. He's supposed to be the bad boy second son who mysteriously fled to Paris for wild living and returns to find a wife. The heroine, his childhood friend, agrees to host a house party full of eligible ladies. It's no secret that I love a house party where things go wrong. Of course, he only agrees to come to woo her.
Problem is that she gets engaged to a duke at this house party, which of course our "hero" ignores and seduces her anyways. Even though they don't go all the way, her engagement is broken and she is forced to marry him. He confesses his deceptive behavior to her and it seems like things are on the mend. Wedding night is delightfully steamy. But he continues to hide things from her and this continues throughout the book even though she repeatedly calls him out, he makes up, and then it starts all over again. He's very heavy handed with trying to protect her and do what's "best" for her without even asking her, and that's a big red flag for me. Also, he's super focused on ruining his family who hurt him in the past even though it will endanger her and isn't transparent with her about it. So, good book overall, just a bad "hero" who I kept hoping would undergo some character growth for the better but never really did. Loved the tennis-playing heroine and I'm excited to read more in the series as several of the secondary characters could make for great heroes and heroines. 

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