A review by ambeesbookishpages
The Rule of Many by Leslie Saunders, Ashley Saunders


The full review + more can be found at The Book Bratz

*Thank you so much Skysape & NetGalley for the eGalley in exchange for an honest review!*

The Rule of Many picks off right where book one ended, and from page one it doesn't stop. Though I had my issues with the first book I was super excited to see where The Rule of Many was going to take readers considering the explosive end to The Rule of One.

I think my only complaint with The Rule of Many was the introduction of a lot of characters and very little explanation of who they were. I lost track a couple of times of who was who, and who was suppose to be doing what. But other then that I really enjoyed this one. I really liked seeing how much Ava and Mira grew through out this book and their overall growth in the series so far.

With how The Rule of Many ended off I am going to say it is safe to assume there is going to be another book. I am really excited to see what the Saunders sisters are going to have in store for readers next.