A review by caffeineaddict980
Mafiosa by Catherine Doyle


'You're going to make them pay,'

This novel is the last book in the blood for blood series, following Sophie Gracewell/Marino and the Falcone family.

This one was a little bit slow and took a while to pick up speed, but it was still enjoyable and emotional!
The ending was really well done and a nice way to wrap up the whole trilogy!


Sophie is initiated into the group and the Marino's send her a threat.
Luca and Sophie have an arguement about her current situation.
Sophie helps Millie plan for the 6senior year dance which they soon decide will be a masquerade theme.
Nic helps Sophie learn how to shoot, much to Luca's irritation.
Luca comes to Sophie's mother's funeral with her for support and her Father shows up.
Sophie argues with her Father who she later finds out to have escaped prison and she gets given her first Marino target to kill.
Sophie finds that she can't kill the target, Luca does it for her and they all lie to Valentino about it, she becomes part of the family.
Luca and Sophie attend the masquerade ball, everything is going smoothly until a certain event leaves Sophie shot and in hospital.
Luca and Nic get in fight around Sophie after he kisses her and Luca confesses his love for Sophie.
Valentino dies after Zola Marino stabs him and Luca becomes the new boss.
Sophie finally makes a kill and the tragedy of the blood war ensues.
Luca and her father decide that they don't want Sophie to be part of their world, so they send her to a trusted contact.