A review by graff_fuller
The Point by John Dixon


3.5 Stars

- Reminded me a little of Full Metal Jacket's boot camp scene within this West Point pleeb year.

- X-Men academy @ The Academy. Had ha, ha.

- Military Harry Potter school.

- Piers Anthony's A Spell for Chameleon - her gift is for protection, not offensive (until it wasn't).

- Room 17 - like the X-Files (you are not alone).

- Level 3 - unique. Absorbs and rereleases energy.

- Don't like the idea of hurting other people to reach their potential (especially male against female).

- Life-long slacker.

- The enemy that started the whole story (within the house). Oh, the prophet that was at the beginning of the story.

- Bleak story, for sure.

- Jagger is a sink for power. He needs Scarlet.

- Who are the bad guys? The Point and Rhodes OR High Rollers and Jagger?

- Oh, I see what he did. Interesting. Will you be able to trust anyone, after this?

- Is there going to be a sequel?