A review by amblygon_writes
Fool's Quest by Robin Hobb


This is between 3 and 4 stars for me. I love the setting and I love many of the characters. I think Hobb writes extremely well, and her books always keep me engaged (in fact, I couldn't put this down). But at times, I felt like the story seemed a little forced. Many of the characters seem the same as they did in the first trilogy and only sometimes will we get a "oh yeah, they're actually quite old" moment. I also found the plot quite predictable at points, which is not something I could say for the first three books. And I know sometimes characters act in a stupid way, but there were just too many of those moments in this book and I wanted to shake some of the characters to stop them from completing some idiotic activity. Oh well, I still loved finding out what happens and I want to find out what happens in the last book of this trilogy.