A review by dozwrh
Agorafabulous!: Dispatches from My Bedroom by Sara Benincasa


I absolutely loved this book - I could not get enough and was sad when it ended. Benincasa's journey is a harrowing and hugely inspiring account of what it's like to be overcome, to confront, and to triumph over the daunting and bewildering colossus that can be mental illness.

I experience Benincasa as a true comedienne and a moving storyteller - she had me laughing out loud many times throughout her book, as well as brought to tears during some of her struggles where her anxiety seemed to get the best of her. Living with anxiety myself, I found Benincasa's depiction of her symptoms and thought patterns accurate and touching. One of my favorite things about her narrative is how she speaks about herself throughout the book. She is very matter-of-fact with just a tinge of self-deprecation, however she never goes overboard with the latter and always speaks from a place of self-love and acceptance; a quality I think is highly important for: 1. really anyone, ever, but really 2. those of us who struggle to accept and live with our various daily battles in the realm of mental illness.

Listening to the audiobook version of "Agorafabulous!" shortly after finishing Jenny Lawson's "Furiously Happy," it is hard not to compare the two, although the two authors have very different struggles with their respective mental illnesses. To be honest, although I was a fast-fan after reading Lawson's first book, "Furiously Happy" left me disappointed and wishing for more. "Agorafabulous!" was everything I was hoping from Lawson's book - and more. Benincasa shared troves of rich anecdotes from her life, pointing out the humor in her adventures, or letting the humor in an experience speak for itself, whichever was appropriate. She colorfully yet succinctly continued to tie each chapter back to her message and showed how her experiences - large or small - contributed to her understanding of herself and her character.

I would recommend this book to anyone, with or without mental illness/anxiety disorders. It is informative, fun, funny, and very inspiring. I found it impossible not to fall in love with and to root for Benincasa on her journey to wellness. She is an enchanting storyteller with a wonderful wit and humor. I will remember her story and draw strength from it for the rest of my life.