A review by jonetta
HOT Pursuit by Lynn Raye Harris


Evie Baker is a chef whose Florida restaurant failed when her partner embezzled funds and left her in dire straits. She returned to her hometown in Louisiana but seems to have attracted attention from the wrong elements connected to her partner. Matt Girard, an Army special forces captain, also has returned home while he waits for a decision regarding the fate of his career following a failed operation. He and Evie have a history that is about to be resurrected.

The story starts off interestingly enough with a strong premise and intriguing characters who have compelling back stories. The pace was also pretty good as things seemed to move along quickly. It fell apart for me with the romance between Evie and Matt as I never felt he really had any remorse for what he did to Evie right before he left town ten years earlier. It affected her deeply, shaping her future. And, she seemed to let him off the hook easily. I just couldn't get into him.

The action and suspense built to what should have been an exciting climax but just ended quickly. There were too many straggling details left unexplained or not delved into more expansively. This just ended up being an okay reading experience but I intend to read at least one more book in the series, especially since the next book seems to be pretty good.