A review by rcrg
Catalyst by Nicole Fanning


Jaxon Pace- “I need answers”
Robin Craig- “I need answers too”

There are a few truths in life, and one of them is, I am not a mafia book reader. It is just not really my jam. However, I started seeing so much hype about the HOTI (Heart of the Inferno) series that I decided to hesitantly check it out. I feel like I am late to the PARTY OF THE SEASON. This book was fabulous. I enjoyed half on audio and half reading. The audio was so freakin amazing with the Queen Maxine Mitchell and the outstanding Grayson Owens that after I had finished, I re-listened solely on audio.

But, I digress, let’s get to the review. I hate vague-reviewing, but that’s what you are going to get. Sorry, not really sorry, and you will thank me later.

Can a heroine be strong and a bit niave at the same time? Yes, meet Natalie. She’s fighting to move past a betrayal, and has carved a life out for herself away from her family, and the broken engagement that she just wants to forget.

Can a hero be the Don of a powerful mafia family and still be fair and have a heart? Maybe, the jury is still out, but meet Jaxon. He runs a powerful organization with a bucket of responsibility, a daughter to protect, a family legacy to uphold, men who depend upon him and a lot of closets full of skeletons.

Can a chance encounter cause a once in a lifetime connection that feels too soon, too much and too crazy to contemplate? Yes, yes and yes it certainly can. There was so much action, so much intrigue and so much uncertainty in this book that I was anxious from early on until still! This book ends on a cliffhanger, but the series is complete. I want to sit and keep chatting about how this book was OTT AMAZING, but I NEED to move onto book 2, Ignite.

Sooooo, read this book or better yet, read and listen. It is amazing. I might become a mafia fan after all.