A review by lindsayb
Krishna: A Journey Within by Abhishek Singh


I'll admit that I don't know a whole lot about Hinduism, but reading gorgeous comics such as these makes me hungry to learn more. I loved the dreamlike quality of the narration, drifting between linear plotted scenes and more abstract discussions of life. I feel like I mostly know Hinduism through its sagas, but not necessarily its philosophies per se, and Krishna definitely gave me more of an idea of its moral framework, beautifully conveyed through Singh's lush artwork. There is so much going on on every page, there were times I wished the book was larger so I could get a better look at everything.

I will say that the art had stylistic qualities akin to newer Disney animation, which I can't say whether I found as a benefit or drawback. On one hand, it's compelling me to look for animated Hindu tales (or hope that some will be made soon!) because these dramatic tales would lend themselves so effortlessly to that format; on the other, there were a few times where it detracted slightly from my engagement in the story. This occurred primarily with the depiction of women, who, more often than not, had that Disney-like hypersexualized form and very little agency. That, of course, may just be a by-product of the institution of the religion itself, but nevertheless took me out of the flow on occasion.

Regardless, I give this two enthusiastic thumbs up and am on the trail for more Hindu comics.

Counting as my "religion other than your own" comics for the Panels' Read Harder challenge.