A review by heresthepencil
Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine


4.5 ☆

» one of the support characters, who gets quite a bit of screentime & also happens to be the smartest person in her generation, is a hijabi

» magic has rules & limitations & consequences, both simply as actions in characters' lives but also literal, physical ones for their bodies (which is sth i adore and never see enough of in books!!)

» there's a side gay relationship, very nicely done

» but there's also, sadly, a wasted opportunity for another gay relationship

» the worldbuilding is honestly superb, so detailed & so clearly very well thought-out; it's set in the future but technology isn't as advanced as we would get in sci-fi since The Library kills in a bud any attempts at actual development - and everything from ways of communication to clothes is changed because of how different this world is to ours and all of it makes perfect sense