A review by cpalisa
Guest House for Young Widows: Among the Women of Isis by Azadeh Moaveni


Gosh, I have to say that I really know so very little about a lot of this stuff! So much new information here and a lot to think about. The other reviews say things much more eloquently, but essentially this follows 13 different women/girls from around the world that ended up joining ISIS. The reasons are varied - some wooed by ISIS bloggers or internet prophets, some following loved ones, some looking for a homeland to practice their religion freely - every story is a bit different. Anyhow, it just sheds a light on what may have led these particular women/girls on a path that was so destructive. Very eye opening and interesting. My only complaint was that it was difficult to keep all the people and places straight. I understand that the entire book was written with a chronological flow, but it was really hard to remember who was who when a new section popped up. And, I really would have liked more information on how they all ended up. I think it might have been in there in bits and pieces but was a little hard to follow. All in all, super interesting though.