A review by dreamerfreak
Daring Adam by Aimee Brissay


Darien is the Master vampire in the city of Bucharest. Actually, he's the only vampire, and he's quite happy that way. He fought hard to gain his independence, and he doesn't need a coven of others keeping him busy. He's content with his life keeping the city generally safe for mortals and occasionally meeting up with his lover, Zephyr.

Then someone starts leaving drained bodies lying around his city. Nobody comes into Darien's city to challenge him and gets away with it. That's when things start going to hell.

There's a few things I really liked about this book. First, Brissay sets up a very unique mythology for her paranormal world. Though I think her writing could have used a bit of polishing, the world-building just swept me up and took me for an amazing ride. The way magic works for the all the immortals and the hierarchy was just... way cool. :)

Second point was the way she worked out the menage. Loved it. This isn't your typical fated mates situation, and I loved seeing all the jealousy and the boys struggling their feelings, the does-he or doesn't-he. It was neither the usual third coming into an established relationship nor three men coming together all at once, and I loved watching them find their balance. Though, I'll admit to finding the constant referring to Darien as "elder" and Adam as "fledging" a little annoying after a while, it certainly didn't ruin my enjoyment.

As a bonus, this isn't just a straight-up romance. There's some mystery/suspense going on too, as we try to figure out who's taunting Darien with the bodies and what they want. This mystery isn't completely resolved by the end, and I can't wait for the next book in the series, both to find out just who's behind all this, and to see our boys continue to work on their relationship, because I don't imagine it's all settled and happy-happy yet. ;)

[I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.]