A review by samanthampg
Restore Me by Tahereh Mafi


I'm enjoying this newer trilogy much more than the original trilogy, I feel as though Mafi's writing has matured and the storyline itself is more complex and darker.

I also love that we get to read from other people's perspectives besides Juliette because me and her really do have a rocky relationship. I feel like it's one step forward two steps back with her sometimes. This book especially had me SO annoyed.


I understand that everything she learned was overwhelming but how is it warner's fault? He only really kept the adoption thing from her because he didn't think it would do her any good to know she had dead parents and mourn the loss of what she could've had. Everything else he told her the NEXT DAY. She always knew that he was bad with being honest and opening himself up, they were dating for two weeks before all this happened why did she think that he would suddenly be an open book? Not to mention that she knew he was keeping things from her BECAUSE EVERYBODY WAS TELLING HER THAT

also I hate the trope of dystopian girlies cutting their hair to prove they're badass. You can be a badass and still be feminine, just so everybody knows. Dresses and long hair do not prevent you from overthrowing your corrupt world government!

The ending was wild, like 600 people??? damn. but I kinda called the rest of it ... I'm not looking forward to her being separated from Warner and Kenji for so long, and I think they've been arrested? It seems like the second book will suffer from being worse than the first, but I hope not!