A review by jessiepostshere
Kingdom of the Feared by Kerri Maniscalco


DNFed at 68%

Nobody is more shocked than I am. I preordered two separate covers of this book. I stalked my local Walmart daily for multiple days prior to release to see if they happened to put it out early. I took the entire day off work on release day because I could not wait to finish this series.

Unfortunately, this was a big miss for me. I don’t think I’ve ever thought “I wish there wasn’t any spice in this”.

I bumped this series down a row on my bookshelf before I was even halfway through the book.

It took me over a month to read 68% of a book I took the day off to read, only to decide that I actually had no desire to finish at all.

This book pushed Daddy Wrath out of a top tier book boyfriend for me.