A review by hobbitfreddie
Other Boys by Damian Alexander


I'm a big fan of comic memoirs, it's interesting to get a view into someone's story through comic panels. And I liked this one too. Though it was very sad, it was still a great childhood memoir that knew how to tug at your heartstrings.
The structure feels a bit at times as it starts in media res and goes back and forth. But I like how it stuck to one part of the author's life instead of trying to fit their entire life story like some comics I've read.
And the memoir knows how to use emotion right, there are some sequences that just hit hard. It never tries to be manipulative, it feels like a very honest recounting of one's life.
Art's pretty good too, has a nice children's book charm.
I do quite like this memoir, and can't think of anything bad about it, it's definitely worth reading. I think kids dreading school should read this especially. Basically everyone should.