A review by witandsin
Crazy Thing Called Love by Molly O'Keefe


My review cross-posted from Wit and Sin: http://witandsin.blogspot.com/2013/01/review-crazy-thing-called-love-by-molly.html

Madelyn Cornish has worked hard to get where she is: the host of a popular Dallas morning TV show. More importantly, she’s worked even harder to forget who she was and where she came from. But the past comes back to haunt her in the form of her ex-husband, hockey star Billy Wilkins. Billy’s the focus of her show’s on-air makeover project and it’ll take all of Madelyn’s formidable self control to resist her attraction to her bad boy ex. It’s not an easy feat, particularly since Billy seems determined to win her back…

I freely admit that I picked up Crazy Thing Called Love because of the hockey element and the reunion storyline — I’m a sucker for both. But this Crooked Creek novel is sure to delight fans of contemporary romance, whether or not you have any interest in sports.

I absolutely love a good hockey hero and Molly O’Keefe delivers a winner with bad tempered enforcer Billy Wilkins. He’s genuinely rough around the edges, but there’s a wealth of caring within him that makes him an endearing hero. It was wonderful to watch him grow and change over the course of Crazy Thing Called Love. Maddy, in turn, was a bit harder to like. I understand her ambition and wanting to put her history with Billy behind her, but she went a bit too far for me in the beginning. However, by the end of the story Maddy had won me over and I was delighted to see her find happiness with the only man she’s ever loved. Ms. O’Keefe did a masterful job with character development, something I love in a story.

Crazy Thing Called Love was a bit of a slow starter for me. However, when everything in Billy’s life comes crashing down around him, Crazy Thing Called Love starts to roll and I did not want to put it down. Billy becomes guardian to two troubled children who are sure to capture your heart. Ms. O’Keefe adds a sobering dose of reality with Billy’s niece Becky, a thirteen-year-old who’s had to deal with much more in her life than any child should. The plotline involving Billy learning how to be a parent was almost more captivating than his romance with Maddy.

Crazy Thing Called Love is the third Crooked Creek novel, but you don’t have to have read Can’t Buy Me Love or Can’t Hurry Love in order to follow along. However, after finishing Crazy Thing Called Love I’ll definitely be picking up the first two books in the series. With just one book, Ms. O’Keefe has me hooked!