A review by tome15
Agent of Change by Sharon Lee


Lee, Sharon, and Steve Miller. Agent of Change. 1988. Liaden Universe No. 9. Baen, 2007.
Agent of Change is the first book set in Lee and Miller’s Liaden universe in which humanity has evolved into three distinct species. Espionage and organized crime are common. Even in this early book, Lee and Miller have found the formula that will power the series with its many sequels, prequels, and spinoffs for decades. Take two mismatched but competent and mutually attracted characters, put them in a dangerous situation, and let adventure and romance ensue. It is adventure scifi tried and true. Remember Han Solo and Princess Leia? In this case, the couple are Miri, a retired mercenary, now unemployed bodyguard, and Val Con, a smooth-talking, identity-swapping spy (a.k.a., agent of change). Together, they must deal with thugs of many stripes. Think James Bond and the Bond girl of your choice. Is it still readable? Sure. But don’t think too much about it. Three and a half stars for nostalgia’s sake.