A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
The Premonition at Withers Farm by Jaime Jo Wright


The Premonition at Withers Farm by Jaime Jo Wright is a dual timeline novel. The book moves between 1910 and the present day. It is supposed to be a spooky, mysterious novel with dark overtones (it is at times and other times I thought it was overdone). The author created a dark atmosphere with the neglected farmhouse with gravestones used for part of the foundation. I struggled to get through the story. The writing style did not make the book easy to read (I found it awkward). I also did not like the characters (you know you do not like the characters when you hope the killer will get them). I did make it through the book to the end (chocolate was required). In 1910, a woman claims she can communicate with the dead and see spirits. In the present day, Molly begins to see things as well. The way it is written, you wonder if they are telling the truth or is there a more logical explanation. The mysteries can be solved before the end (one is a cinch to figure out). There is romance as well (just what you want in a spooky story). Molly and her husband, Trent have grown apart since her miscarriages. Trent is ready to move on, but Molly is still grieving. The two need to find a way back to each other (why not get back together while creepy and scary things are happening to you). As you can tell, The Premonition at Withers Farm was not for me. I suggest you download a sample to judge for yourself. The Premonition at Withers Farm is an eerie tale with a ramshackle farmhouse, a creepy cornfield, AWOL women, scary seances, a dead woman in a ditch, and a gravestone foundation.