A review by pastelwriter
Teacher of the Year by M.A. Wardell

Did not finish book. Stopped at 45%.
I have to speak my truth… 

I loved Mistletoe & Mishigas by this author SO MUCH, but this book gets a huge no from me. I’m not the target audience, and I had to exit stage left. Let me try to breakdown the reasons why I had to DNF. 

1. Marvin was unlikeable 🙃 I was not rooting for this man and his well-being. He was judgmental as hell, and he needed to look in a fucking mirror. There were times I thought  to myself, “Marvin can catch these hands.” 

2. The ACTS that were performed in the closet of a classroom…made me feel physically uncomfortable. As a teacher, I don’t want to even IMAGINE the POSSIBILITY of doing such acts…and the next day looking at the children I’m responsible for…and even BRIEFLY THINKING about the unspeakable acts. No. Straight to jail. Horny jail. 

3. The romance was nowhere to be found here 🤦🏻‍♀️ This was largely due to the fact that Olan felt like a cardboard cutout. There were PLENTY of chances to make him seem like a real person…but every single opportunity was ignored. I didn’t feel like I knew Olan, so I couldn’t become invested in the relationship here. 

4. The crush of disappointment I felt at not loving this not even 1/4 of how much I loved Mistletoe & Mishigas feels like a CRIME. Once again, JAIL. I almost didn’t even write this review because of my love for book 2. I almost silenced myself OUT OF LOVE. But the more my friend I was buddy reading this with tells me of what happens after I dropped the book, the more I had to say what I needed to say 😭