A review by peggyemi
Death Waits in the Dark by Julia Buckley


I have been a fan of this series from the beginning and each one continues to deliver a well plotted mystery full of artfully crafted characters. This installment is my favorite one yet. Ms. Buckley has crafted characters that are genuine, relatable, flawed and mature. The relationship between Lena and Camilla is one that continues to grow and evolve which is part of what keeps me coming back. I like that as the series continues we are getting to know the secondary cast of characters as the mysteries are no longer centered on Sam West, Lena's boyfriend. The mystery was well done and grabbed me from the start. This author knows how to wind clues throughout the plot to keep her readers guessing. The mystery in this story involved something that happened in the past, causing Lena and Camilla to revisit the time when Camilla first came to Blue Lake and married James.

This is a terrific series and if you haven't given it a try I would highly encourage it. It is well written with smart characters that pay an homage to the Gothic genre and mysteries that keep the reader engaged and interested until the final reveal. This series is an automatic pre-order for me and I look forward to many more hours of enjoyment from this author.