A review by doritobabe
The Supernatural Enhancements by Edgar Cantero


The Supernatural Enhancements : part [b:House of Leaves|24800|House of Leaves|Mark Z. Danielewski|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1403889034s/24800.jpg|856555] inspired gothic horror, part "The Altar" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3484800/).

A somewhat unoriginal tale, yet captivating enough to keep me reading and thinking about it STILL.
(I will admit, at the mention of The X-Files -- my favorite show ever-- I had to keep reading).

The Supernatural Enhancements features a long lost cousin --our protagonist-- A. and his deaf/mute punk rock friend, Niamh, moving to America to inherit a property bequeathed to A on the death of one Ambrose Wells.
A and Niamh soon discover that the house is haunted, has a dark somewhat-occult history that features many other wealthy aristocrats from all over the world. These men attempt to find
Spoiler the people featured in images generated to them through an all knowing "eye".

Of course it is a daring game to them; ultimately they do not know what it means, and to them it seems to mean nothing other than pursuing thrills.

The book ends in a haphazard way; almost as though Cantero didn't know how to end his magnificent mystery. Honestly though, how else could it have ended? It's too vague, mysterious, and not properly executed enough for the plot to last in series form for it to continue. It makes sense to me; Cantero had to kill his darling.

Interesting read. Not sure if I would recommend. Not really sure how I feel about it based on it's unoriginality. I honestly disliked the various news paper articles and "book" excerpts that he placed throughout the novel. I wish it was written NORMALLY as those parts were the only ones that kept me going.