A review by therainbowshelf
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir

Did not finish book. Stopped at 71%.
The author failed to capture my attention when she didn’t introduce the main problem until 30% or a bit over 5 hours into this book. Until then, Gideon is just messing around trying not to put herself as a phony while her necromancer is off doing secret stuff. I listened with mild disinterest for a while, but more and more that has shifted into active dislike so it’s time to throw in the towel. I feel like the world building has been weak, and what’s up with Gideon being an indentured servant of some sort who is treated like a slave, has never seen a salad in her life, regularly loses her possessions to the girl/teen/woman who enslaved her, but reads comics often enough to compare real life situations to comic scenes?? 

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