A review by miramichijim
The Arrow of Gold by Joseph Conrad


It's hard not to give a Conrad novel 5 stars; he's my favourite author. Arrow of Gold loses a star for me because I found I was getting bogged down in the intricacies of the relationship between Monsieur George and Dona Rita. Sometimes the emotions of love is a difficult thing to explain, and the feelings of both characters must be taken into account.
Set against the background of the third Carlist war, our man 'Monsieur George'(Joseph Conrad; this is based on a true story) is a sea-faring adventurer who takes on the risky business of running guns from France into Spain. One of the supporters of the Carlist cause is Dona Rita, a beautiful woman with a sketchy past and a large inherited fortune. Our man falls in love with her but there is another suitor (Captain Blunt) which causes some conflict. Then there are the men from her past....
The book has a very well-written fast-paced climax, totally unforeseen (by me) and well worth the perseverance needed to get through some of the preceding text (although those familiar with Conrad's style will have no problem).
For more information on this period in Conrad's life see: [b:The Mirror of the Sea|441880|The Mirror of the Sea|Joseph Conrad|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348334097s/441880.jpg|2423583] and [b:The Sea Years of Joseph Conrad|25164448|The Sea Years of Joseph Conrad|Jerry Allen|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1426634490s/25164448.jpg|44868426] for an in-depth look at the main characters and their true identities and backgrounds.