A review by deermilk
The Beauty That Remains by Ashley Woodfolk


Any book that makes me cry multiple times is going to be memorable for me.

Woodfolk excels at capturing tangles of feelings & thoughts. All three viewpoint characters are feeling complicated, messy, heartbreaking things, and there's a grace to how that's explored.

Mini-spoilers in this paragraph: This may be more an issue of marketing, but I went in with the understanding that the three POV characters are connected. As the first third or so of the book went on and it became apparent how they were tied to each other through Unraveling Lovely, I thought the book was ultimately going to be about the three of them connecting directly in response to their grief. This doesn't quite happen.

But aside from that unfulfilled expectation, I loved the honesty and open-hearted feel of this book. It's raw, tender, and welcoming in a way I find genuinely captivating. I look forward to reading more of Woodfolk's work!