A review by cimorene1558
Postern of Fate by Agatha Christie


My second reading (which tells you what I thought the first time, as I've read all the rest of Agatha Christie 3-6 times each). Not nearly as useless as I remember, although it's not much of a mystery, and it is pretty clear that she was failing--characters should be able to remember what happened in the previous chapter at least some of the time.

But as a work of nostalgia, it's pretty good. There's so much colourful detail about the past that Tommy and Tuppence remember and also what they discover. I want to see exactly what all the toys and odds and ends they find look like (Google is sadly only somewhat helpful), I want to read all of the books they look through (I've read most but not all of them--the only Mrs. Molesworth's I've read are the Cuckoo Clock and the Tapestry Room).