A review by sdertinger
History Smashers: Women's Right to Vote by Kate Messner


Another fantastic installment in the History Smashers series! What I thoroughly enjoy is that this series teaches our students/children that everything we read in history books is not always as it seems, or necessarily true. History isn't just easy facts to remember. I mean, think about reality. You don't just accomplish a goal in a single day. There are ups-and-downs, times where we need to revise/rework/redo... sometimes from scratch. This book teaches kids that Susan B. Anthony wasn't the only one to help amend the constitution in favor of women's rights. In fact, there were MANY women, and even men, who helped do so. It took a lot longer than one may think, too.

Other than the fact that this book debunks many of the half-truths we come to know nowadays, it shows the truth about racism, intersectionality, and clearly the differences of views many people had during this era. This is not what you read in textbooks now, so I appreciate that this is depicted in the History Smasher series.

Again, there are wonderful illustrations, comics, side panels, artifacts, and more embedded throughout this book that makes it even more engaging for young readers. I cannot wait to share this with my students and our school.