A review by gobbeline
The Night Land by William Hope Hodgson

Did not finish book.
I made it about two thirds through but I am abandoning it here because I cannot stand it anymore. The one star it gets is for the beautiful and imaginative worldbuilding, the scenery of the night land and its atmosphere, the pyramids, the telepathy, the monsters. All quite lovely.

If only it had been written in some other register than this hellishly annoying faux-olden-days-'For verily it did be that I was come upon a mighty slope that I verily did prance downward on my muscly manly legs'-language. If only there were fewer words and more of a plot. Any plot. Any other characters than the protagonist and his woman. Which brings me to the last straw: If only it was not so appallingly, infuriatingly sexist. Ugh.