A review by lifeinthebooklane
Iron & Fire by Ariana Nash


Who needs Game of Thrones when you have this dark fantasy epic to enjoy?

"Afraid to get up close and personal with a dragon without sticking your sword in it?"

Oh Lydander and Eroan, you can stick your swords in me any day! I don't think I've read such an incredibly sexy yet tortured pair. This is a classic tale of love against the divide, set against a background of war and survival. You don't just read this book, you step into it's pages, touch the soil of the forest, soar the air on leathery wings, hide in the ramshackle shelters, feel the heat of the fire and smell the scent of hope, despair and love.

Pippa Dacosta is the most evil of authors, delighting in the pain and suffering of her characters. The pain, hurt and trials she put Eroan through were bad enough, but I might never forgive her for how she tortured Lysander. I'm just hoping, to quote Yoda, "Only through fire is a strong sword forged." 'Cos, boy, did Lysander get thrown into the fires of hell, again and again and again.

Save him. Like he saved us.
The seconds raced along with him and he feared, with every beat of his heart, that he was already too late.

We get some wonderful moments between Eroan and Lysander, though boy do they fight tooth and claw to either avoid them or to get to them. Eroan in particular struggles with his feelings for and attraction to Lysander, after all his whole life has been dedicated to the destruction of dragons, not loving them.

"What is this thing between us?"

"You come alive in my hands..." Lysander breathed, setting free the words he'd so long wanted to speak.

This is a story of epic proportions, the plot unfolding, twisting and morphing so that just as one obstacle is overcome another 5 arise in its place. The lies, the deceit, the pigheaded ignorance and jealousy - and that was just amongst the elves and humans! If it hadn't been for Seraph and Trey I'd have encouraged Eroan to find a warm cave, on a nice secluded mountainside, that he and Lysander could live out their days in. Nye needs stabbing in the eye with a sharp stick! So jealous that he refused to see the truth that was in front of his eyes. So stuck in his ways that he could never see another path. Despite Lysander showing his heart again and again.

He was fairly certain this decision would get him killed but there was nothing and no one else he'd gladly die for.

It was much more subtle but we also started to learn more about the dragons. There were definitely breadcrumbs there, that will no doubt become glaringly obvious beacons on a second read through after the series is complete! I always suspected there was more to Carline than we had been told, but I was at least a galaxy away from guessing the actual truth. Hmm, perhaps I need to read Silk & Steel for clues I'm sure will be there. Just what are those secrets you hold so close to your chest, Akiem? What does it mean to be Emerald?

I loved every moment spent in this book, even though I had my heart and soul wrenched out and smashed to smithereens repeatedly. The next book can't come soon enough!

He was afraid, he realized. Not of them,..not anymore. Nothing back there could hurt him. He was afraid of himself and what he was becoming - what he needed to become to survive the war to come.