A review by hugbandit7
Fatal Intent by Tammy Euliano


The topic of this book is a great one for book clubs or discussion in general. How do you feel about end-of-life issues especially when one is terminal or in a vegetative state? Why are they forced to suffer? This book will possibly have you thinking twice about how you feel on this subject.

Dr. Kate Downey is a strong protagonist but not without her own flaws. Her husband is in a vegetative state which weighs heavily on her emotions. Is she doing the right thing? This becomes very important as the book progresses as Dr. Downey works to uncover the mystery of why patients are dying after simple surgeries.

I was pulled into the story right from the start. I found the mystery intriguing and wondered if I would be able to decipher the clues and figure out how this was happening. Of course, I didn't. But the journey was a roller coaster that kept me engaged. From Kate's life as an anesthesiologist, teaching future doctors in anesthesia, a complicated situation with her husband and his family, and battling the Chief of Staff at the hospital. I felt a range of emotions, much like Kate. Sorrow for her family situation, curiosity about the recent deaths, compassion for her patients and students, and relating to the love she felt for her husband despite his situation.

There are many likable characters including her eccentric Aunt Irm, her student Jenn, a deceased patient's son Christian. These characters helped round out the story and added an additional dimension to the various situations. I really liked Aunt Irm and her love for Kate and wanted to assist with solving this puzzle.

This book had the perfect blend of characters and situations to keep a reader engaged and on the edge of their seat. There will be some revelations at the end that might surprise you, I know I was not expecting them and it took the book in a new direction.

We give this book 5 paws up!