A review by bunnerz
Blood and Madness by Sarah Piper


Lots of secrets from many of the characters were publicly revealed to other members in their group, and Keradoc was finally thrown into the romance mix. While the twists and turns were fun and not always predictable, the overall pacing was problematic to me. There was absolutely no progress on the Melandra goddess war front, just lots of discussion and talk about what to do. The arguments that Keradoc tried to use on Haley to convince her to help the realm were very weak IMO, but hey, it got her to do what he wanted. I found a lot of characters just to be annoying at this point, and the arguments they had with each other were quite repetitive. The ending cliffhanger was absolutely terrible.

I'll continue the series in an attempt for closure and see how everyone gets out of their respective issues, but if it drags on much longer, I'll likely abandon the series.
Ratings - completed series:
#1 Blood and Midnight: ★★★★☆
#2 Blood and Malice: ★★★☆☆
#3 Blood and Madness (this book): ★★★☆☆
#4 Blood and Magick: ★★★☆☆