A review by 100pagesaday
How to Shit in the Woods: An Environmentally Sound Approach to a Lost Art by Kathleen Meyer


This book is exactly what it says. My husband and I listened to it in the ride up to the Adirondacks to go do just what the title suggests-well, backpacking. I listened to the rest on the way back and forth from work.

I got this audiobook mainly for work to help to leave no trace and outdoor ethics. It is extremely humorous and you must be comfortable with the word shit. The author actually does a lot to explain exactly why she has chosen this word instead of other to convey her purpose. Anyway, this book contains a wealth of information for anyone who might find themselves having to go without a conventional toilet-hikers, backpackers, white-water rafters, kayakers, canoers, horseback riders and military personnel. Shared through personal anecdotes and other's stories about mishaps in the field, you will not feel alone in your trials. The best information is about different ways to actually go about your business, methods for being environmentally responsible and packing out. There is also quite a bit of information about treating water and giardia. The women's only sections is particularly useful, though I already use a Go Girl. There is a ton a product information in here and on the audiobook, that got a little boring to listen to, but is important if you are still trying to find the best way to shit in the woods.

This audiobook was received for free in return for an honest review.