A review by xvicesx
Berrr's Vow by Laurann Dohner


You know that graphic about eating / wanting to eat McDonald's? I feel like reading this book was a lot like that graphic for me.

I could not tell you why I did it. Maybe it's a form of self-flagellation. Maybe I just hate to see a book series unfinished once I start it (that's why I so rarely look back on certain series). Or maybe it was just an alignment of stars.

I didn't mind this so much, though I can't say I loved the heroine. Or anything, really. The hero is somewhat better only by comparison to the other characters. In all honesty, Berrr's kind of... ugh. I probably liked Ral better for a character, the entire series considered. And there were a few episodic characters that seemed like they'd have a really good story to tell. But when it comes down to it, the world is mainly an excuse for the action.

It's not that it's a bad book. It just depends on what you came here to get. You're not having fine cuisine, laid out just right with hand-selected ingredients. You're having McDonald's. So go in with your eyes wide open and your expectations low and you will not be disappointed.