A review by coffee_deer
Doctor Who: The Roof of the World by Caroline Morris, William Franklyn, Peter Davidson, Nicola Bryant, Adrian Rigelsford, Edward de Souza


What I liked: the overall feeling that this story belongs to the Fifth Doctor era, the further development of the mythos of the Old Ones in Doctor Who, the way Peri and Erimem had integral parts in the story, the description of the Doctor by Peri (delicious and apt!), and the final monologue of the Doctor.

What I found lacking: the Old Ones... maybe because the unknown is always scarier. But even as the visions of the Doctor and Peri as shown to Erimem, they were... disturbing but not really frightening. And they lose almost any capability to invoke fear towards the end. Which, considering the aforementioned monologue of the Doctor, is either intentional and/or ironic.