A review by belle_fiction
Hinges Book One: Clockwork City by Meredith McClaren


3.5 stars

This webcomic turned graphic novel is strange, veeeery strange.

It focuses on a doll named Orio and her Odd, Bauble. Unusually, there is hardly any dialogue so you really have to focus on the illustrations in order to glean what is actually happening in the story. I have to admit that, at times, I was utterly confused. The scenes don't all link together and seem to miss out bits in-between which didn't help.

We don't really find out what an Odd is, or what it's purpose is in the story. I found Bauble to be simultaneously cute whilst being a little wayward bugger!

Clockwork City depicts Orio and Bauble arriving in a city named Cobble. With the help of Alluet, they go in search of a job for Orio, although this proves extremely difficult when the roguish imp, Bauble, scuppers all of her plans.

The ending left me pretty confused but I shall persevere with the second volume since the artwork was absolutely beautiful.

Overall, a strange little tale which poses lots of questions. I just hope the second volume answers them!