A review by lattelibrarian
I Moved to Los Angeles to Work in Animation by Natalie Nourigat


Nourigat's memoir is a testament to the millennial way of life: freelancing, paying rent, and completely wiping your savings out and living on couches for a few months while you try to take your life in the right direction.  With pastel colors and information from all sorts of artists from different studios, her memoir is not only a recap of her life up until the point of its publication, but also a guide book for those interested in illustration and animation.  

Her wit is humorous, her perspective is realistic, and her hopes and dreams are aspirational.  Though I myself don't work in animation or illustration, I easily found my own hopes and struggles in her own, and I'd argue that it'd be the same for all sorts of other people out there.  The struggle with moving across different states, trying to build up a savings account, trying to find a job (oh, I remember the summer days where I sent out 100 librarian applications to land 6 interviews to get 1 job).  

Her memoir also provides really useful career information regardless of what field you're in--the first, of course, being networking.  Having those connections means sometimes being the first to hear about a new job opening and the requirements, and even meeting higher-up execs and having others take a look at your portfolio (or resume, for non-art folk).  She also mentions the fact that just because you don't have the minimum requirements for a job doesn't mean that you shouldn't apply--gumption and hope do get people places!  

Overall, I found Nourigat's memoir to be entertaining, helpful, and just plain pleasant to read.  This is definitely for you if you want something cute, quick, and so, so informational.  

Review cross-listed here!