A review by frostbitsky
Dark Apprentice by Kevin J. Anderson


Admiral Daala, finally a female Imperial officer. But she's crazy from cabin fever by sticking around in the Maw Installation for many years and that makes her incompetent as an officer. Being set on revenge with that mind frame is asking for disaster.
What a shame b/c she had smarts and skill in school. If only the Emperor wasn't sexist, then Tarkin wouldn't have stuck her in the Maw.

Lando really annoyed me when he challenged Han for the Falcon just because he lost the Lady Luck. Face it, you lost the first time! To much back and forth with the sabacc games and ownership of the Falcon in this story. Glad Mara's influence ended their childish games ;)

I do vaguely remember Leia's crash on Vortex but totally forgot that it spawned the whole Ackbar resigning and Terpfen's sabatoge. Which then all linked back to the Ambassador Furgan attempting to kidnapp Anakin Solo from Anoth. Leia's trip to Mon Calamari to persuade Ackbar to come back to the New Republic and to request his help to save her youngest son was a good subplot. Enjoyed those story lines.

Luke and the events at the academy were still fresh in my mind from reading I, Jedi about a year ago. But it was better to read them in this book than out of Corran's point of view because you get the full picture as to the strange events going on caused by Exar Kun. And Corran hasn't even been mentioned by name. Only about 1/2 of Luke's students have been named. In retrospect I think I, Jedi should be read after this trilogy, or IMHO, not at all. :P

Wedge and Qui's little romantic vacation was cute. Wedge needs some love. Happy filler story.
I thought Jacen and Jaina's adventure under Coruscant would have more meaning later on but it was just a filler I guess to get to know the twins more. Could have done without that part.
Of course the title of this second book refers to Kyp Durron, I think. Under Exar's influence he steals the Sun Crusher and wrecks havoc on the galaxy. But you just know Daala and her Star Destoryer get away last minute. She should have stayed where she was. By losing half her fleet in two books shows her incompetence.