A review by the_siegs
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #1 by Jordie Bellaire


Oh did my high hopes get so dashed?

This is a sad remake in all ways. It lacks the witty, fun dialogue of the original show, instead choosing to focus on an angst filled narrator (I'll get to that).

Characters are wedged in to make show fans excited, but without any real purpose. No time is spent on creating the real human connections that the show created. Every one makes these very quick, life altering decisions without thinking. The main trio wold never have the friendship they seem to have in the books, going from complete strangers to tightly formed fighting group. That sense of loyalty is never built, instead it is purposefully dismantled by other pieces of the plot.

Later characters show up too early, and instead of re imagining them, it all just feels like brutal character assassination. Now, I did not go into this thinking it would live up to my internal hype, but within 4 chapters, all of the character not only know there are vampires in Sunnydale, but are totally cool with it. There is no character growth and that is the real problem. There is no real reason for any of these character to care about each other except for the writers saying they do. Cordelia, especially, gets hit with a terrible recreation, from jibing Queen Bee to niave gal pal.

Here there be spoilers, so you've been warned:
There is a narrator throughout the issue. In the beginning it is implied that it is Buffy dealing with all of the things she can't have or be due to the fact that she is the slayer. It is extremely angst filled, like good lord I get it you're a sad misunderstood teenager. The twist, however, is that this isn't Buffy's inner thoughts, it's Xander's. Which is ridiculous, because it basically flips the narrative from baddass, girl-power, slayer dealing with balancing her dreams and her duty to Xander.

Xander, who has no character trait except angst, because no one likes him (except Willow who we are told is his best friend without seeing anything resembling that relationship), no one loves him, he doesn't know what to do with his life or accomplish anything. Which is close to the original Xander, except he at least had funny one-liners. The difference is that this Xander's inner monologue is playing the victim, without reason. It feels like any progress the show may have made in pop culture when it originally aired is being redacted simply by making it Xander's story instead of Buffy's.

So, the writers have taken a coming of age story about the power of human connection, and turned into the inside of Xander's head, which is full of bad teen poetry (I should know, I wrote my fair share of it when the original series first aired). Taking away any non-Slayer based powers that make Buffy great, like her emotional strength or loyalty, and filling it with audience assumptions and unnecessary Easter Eggs from the original show. This was a HUGE disappointment. I'd give it fewer stars, but the art is great, especially that one cell that looks just like SMG.

Also, Spike calls Dru "Mistress," which screams of a forced redemption arc. But, more than that, feels like an actually forced relationship instead of one created from bad writing. Did we learn nothing from "Seeing Red?"

Anyway, it was bad and I'm going to rewatch Season 2 to wash my brain out.