A review by the_gare_bear
History Is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera


Adam Silvera. Adam, Adam, Adam. He is such a good storyteller. I have loved everything I have read of his. But his books always break me. They make me think of things in my own life that I haven't thought about or processed in a long time, and it's always an emotional roller coaster.

This book in the first half, broke me so hard before bed. I was so emotional with tears and heartbreak that I could not even fall asleep for almost an hour after laying in bed.

This is a pretty fast read, and I love the layout between chapters being current and history. The narration of the story from the eyes of one of the main characters was such a great way to tell this story.

I may have rated this lower had it not been for the buildup at the end and the resolution of where the story is going and will continue to go after the book. Such a beautiful and important novel about loss, love, and grappling with your own inner weaknesses. I definitely recommend this to those who can handle a pretty emotional story.