A review by bluebec
Betrayal by Fiona McIntosh


I didn't enjoy this book, I won't be reading the second one, I certainly don't care enough about the characters or the world to find out what happens next, but that isn't what really bugs me enough about this book to give it only 1 star.

My biggest problem in this book was the actual writing. Now I understand that this was Fiona McIntosh's first book, but she clearly needed a better editor. In the prologue alone, I kept losing track of who was being written about, the constant use of pronouns, but no one's name meant that I had to keep backtracking to figure out what was happening to who, and who was thinking about who. This continued in the story as well. The prologue also was written assuming knowledge of the world and key players, something that the reader does not possess, as they've just picked up the book.

The switching from first person narrative of a key character to first person narrative of a bit part character was jarring, and something that really didn't fit.

I've read and enjoyed bad fiction before, but this was so bad that I almost put it down and didn't continue reading, I kept on in the hope it would get better, I didn't think it did.