A review by angelahayes
The Daughters of Maine by Tish Thawer


4 Stars

“Through space and time, sisters entwined. Lost then found, souls remain bound.”

The Daughters of Maine is the second book in the Witches of BlackBrook, by Tish Thawer. It is a paranormal/fantasy; a story about witches- with lots of action, adventure, magic, time travel, history, drama and suspense. So much happens in this story, writing this review will be difficult because I don’t want to give away any spoilers. But I’m going to try…
This story follows on from where book one left off. The sisters Trin, Caris (Kara) and Kennedy (Kenna) are now reunited in the present day. The sisters have lived many life times that have spanned the centuries. They are witches, each one capable of wielding incredible magic- but when they combined their abilities it magnifies their powers considerably. In the last book Trin had stripped Ann of her powers and banished her to Salem.
As the story opens, we find Ann trying to wield magic, to open a portal to the past. Ann is angry and vengeful- she’s desperately seeking a way to regain her powers and strike back at the sisters. She is frustrated because she can’t get the spell exactly right. She misses her powers and having to do magic the long and complicated way, frustrates her. But she is determined to succeed, and is willing to do whatever it takes to do so.
In the meanwhile, Trin has been having troubling nightmares that have given her considerable unease. She can’t remember them, except that they seem ominous and give her the sense that something bad is about to happen. She needs to figure out why she’s having these nightmares, because it could be important.
This starts them on an incredible journey that has the sisters travelling though time in an effort to prevent the timelines and future from being altered. They are pitted against dark and sinister forces- old enemies need to be dealt with, and old friendships will be renewed. Can the sisters prevail against the powerful evil that has hunted them through time? Will they succeed in their endeavour, or will someone pay the ultimate price?
Ms. Thawer is an incredible storyteller. She’s created a complex and multi-layered story that she has smoothly and skilfully choreographed into a very riveting read.
The characters are individual, with their own personalities, strengths, flaws and quirks. They are well written, likeable and fully realised.
The book has a great pace; it flows well, is easy to follow and is a fairly quick read.
There were quite a few twists and turns that had me flipping the pages to find out what was happening.
When the story ended, I wanted more, I wasn’t ready to leave it yet! The story is to be continued in book three and I can’t wait to find out what happens!
If you like witches, magic, time-travel and a riveting adventure- then this is definitely the book for you.

Thank you Ms. Thawer!